Tekijä: Helsinki Business Hub
How a smart city boosts sustainable business?
How does the Greater Helsinki startup-scene differ from the startup hubs in other parts of the world? Can an investor have a bigger agenda behind their actions? Sonja Malin’s guest in this episode is Tomosaku Sohara, Managing Partner at Nordic Ninja.
Does a smart city attract smart citizens?
Mobility is a central need, but more and more, being on the move causes great stress. How can we reduce that stress in the city? And how can we make sure that smart city solutions really benefit everyone? Sonja Malin is joined in the studio by Krista Huhtala-Jenks, Head of Ecosystem & Sustainability at MaaS…
Is a smart city a happy city?
The city of Helsinki has the vision of becoming the most functional city in the world. In a nutshell, it means that things should just work. Let’s say we reach that goal. Will it also result in a happy city? Does functionality equal happiness? In this episode doctor Sami Kazi from VTT shares his views.
Try this at home: sharing best practises of agile piloting
Greater Helsinki is small enough, yet big enough to pilot, and then scale up solutions. So if a solution works here, it’ll work everywhere. What are the best methods to engage the community in new projects? Everybody talks a big game about participatory design, but how do you actually pull it off? Teemu Lehtinen, CEO…
Does the revolution of food production start from a smart city?
Fresh vegetables grown with the help of self-learning artificial intelligence in vertical, urban farms. Sounds futuristic, but is it? In the first episode of HEL of a business -podcast Sonja Malin is joined in the studio by Kirill Zelenski, the CEO of iFarm Finland. When it comes to eco-friendly solutions in the city: Are people…